Friday, December 23, 2005

Waiting For A Miracle

a man stands with his arms stretched wide
"Live Free Or Die" tattooed across his chest
the explosives wrapped around him await the trigger
the only thing he has to do is just let
there is a brilliant flash, without a sound
he feels a soft touch on his forehead
then from the light and the silence he hears
a quiet voice uttering a single word:
when he opens his eyes he is on his bed
back in the apartment he left hours ago
he forces himself up into the darkness
walking into the bathroom he turns on a light
most of the words on his chest are gone
now there is only one:

We wait around for miracles like they were public transportation. Miracles are found in rush hour traffic and coffee mugs. Peace is a miracle. Just like letting someone onto the freeway in front of you, you have to make Peace happen. The answer can be "No."

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