Wednesday, November 09, 2005

We'll Be Back

"He's at it again
And he's gonna win
Gonna take it for a hell ride anyway
He's on your side
Gonna throw you aside
And let the vultures pick apart what's left
Seems like everything was just a fraction of a second from being okay"
- "Governator" by Green Day
The slow turn back to democracy began yesterday as the forces of liberation begin their march on California. Senator Dianne Feinstein suggested that Arnold had some reckoning to do, "The election results should send a strong message that the voters are tired of having issues that should be solved by their elected representatives placed before them on the ballot." The vote he called shaved 20 points off Schwarzenegger's popularity rating in polls over the year and cost $300 million in campaign spending, including $7 million of his own money.
Arnold was betting that "the people" would give him the reform that he believes the state of California so desperately needs. Those "people" turned out to be nurses, firefighters and teachers. Oops. These folks don't want their unions dismantled, and the notion that teachers should serve a longer probation period before becoming tenured ought to be justified in some way - if you want public support for such a measure.
The Democrats won gubenitorial races New Jersey and Virginia. There's a new wind blowing. Freedom is on the march again.
"All across the alien nation
Where everything isn't meant to be okay
Television dreams of tomorrow
We're not the ones meant to follow
For that's enough to argue"
- "American Idiot" by Green Day

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