Monday, November 07, 2005

Athletic Supporters

Ah, the Sports Page. You can get lost in it and continue to avoid anything resembling real news. Just this past week there was a ton of drama to be found in the behavior of the spoiled millionaire, Terrell Owens. While visiting his official web site, you can make a bid on his NFC championship ring. He hopes to raise funds for hurricane relief this way. What an unselfish fellow. "I urge each one of you to place a bid, as much as you can afford for this worthwhile cause. All proceeds from the auction will go directly to hurricane relief. If you don't win this auction I ask you to consider donating the value you were willing to bid directly to the relief effort. Although you didn't win my ring, I believe you will find your generosity just as rewarding."
Thanks T.O. Now that the Philadelphia Eagles have had their fill of his superstar antics, they have decided to cut him loose. Owens is scheduled to earn $3.25 million this season, meaning the four-game suspension he received would cost him almost $800,000. The Eagles will have to pay Owens nearly $1 million to stay home the final five games. I hope he considers donating some of his spare time to worthy causes in and around his suburban New Jersey estate.
All that being said, this is still not the most scintillating bit of sports news. Two Carolina Panthers' cheerleaders were charged after their arrest at a bar where witnesses told police the women had sex in a restroom. Witnesses said the women were having sex in a stall with each other, angering patrons waiting in line to get into the restroom. I'm not guessing that these ladies will be asked back for the next home game. Meanwhile, if you keep in mind that the cheerleaders are making about $50 per game, my guess is that neither of these two young ladies had the cash to make bail.
Here's hoping that Mr. Owens' sense of charity extends to all of those in need.

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