Monday, August 01, 2005

Current Affair

Thank you, Al Gore. First you gave us the Internet, and now you're giving us television that matters. "We want to be the television home page for the Internet generation." I found this extremely encouraging coming from a communications pioneer such as Al "You Can Call Me Al" Gore.
Why would I watch Current TV? I guess because I want to see if it's every bit as scintillating as its founder - or if there will be more naked chicks or heads blowing up than on, say, MTV. Get this - the groundbreaking notion this network will begin with is taking a "philosophical look" at Paris Hilton's phone list. Even better, Al promises us programs that won't tax our attention spans or busy schedules by limiting them to "pods" between two to seven minutes long.
At last! Now I can find out everything I need to know from television that I was stuck getting from the links that I downloaded to my cell phone. They even include an 0n-screen "progress bar" to let you know when you can stop caring about whatever topic they have probed delicately for the past 150 seconds. Whew - that just about wraps up world hunger, now - what about a new recipe for potato salad?
Originally, there were to be 200 video journalists hired and given inexpensive equipment to document the length and breadth of all matters that can be covered in two to seven minutes. Al figured that might be too elitist, so he abandoned that plan, and left the programming up to all of us - those of us with the bandwidth, spare time and enthusiasm for pushing the frontiers of telecommunication. If you're a video blogger, you can't use the stuff you sell to Current - they have exclusive rights to it. If that smacks a little of the same kind of elitist claptrap that they had hoped to avoid, well that's just too bad, isn't it Mr. Artsy Fartsy Video Blogger?
But hey, in a pinch you can always go to their web site to see what's on.

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