Saturday, July 09, 2005

This is a test

This is a test of the internal liberal reaction department.
Are you sitting in front of a computer right now? If so, how many other windows are presently open? How many of them are affiliated with some liberal cause/affectation? If these windows include clicking once for peace or food, go ahead and close them right now. Instead, go out and buy a can of Campbell's Chunky Soup and then walk the three blocks it will take you to find a person who would be more than happy to have it for their only meal. Or you could write a letter - in your own words, no fair using a copied boiler plate - to your senator or representative telling them how you feel about the war in Iraq.
If you are planning a weekend activity, why not find some time to volunteer at your local library? Do you think all those books just walk themselves to the shelf - or all those overpaid civil servants (librarians) will probably get to it right after their cappucino break. The opportunities for volunteering don't stop there. You could give your time away for free to any number of worthwhile places or causes. Teach a kid to read. It takes a little time, but most kids seem to like it - even if they just look at the pictures.
If you have any disposable income laying around, you could hand it over to a person or group who really needs it. Some people don't have their own homes - they are homeless. They don't have to refinance their mortgages because they don't have one in the first place. The people that make art in your community probably need money too - even if they have their own homes. Paint isn't free.
In fact, very little in life is free. That's the problem. Free time and free money don't really exist - there's some cost connected to all of that, so just giving stuff away doesn't seem all that clever after all.
This has been a test of the internal liberal reaction department. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have been instructed by your conscience where in your area to turn for guilt and moral reflection. We now return to our regularly scheduled blog.

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